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101 North Main Street project

Chalfont Borough Facilities Committee along with Borough Council is pleased to announce our newest project! The Facilities Committee has spent the past 12 months scoping a project that both provides parking, brings life into our Borough Core, and saves the historic building at 101 N. Main Street. The added bonus is our future tenant oWowCow. We are finalizing the grant documents for a redevelopment project at 101 N. Main Street. The historic property was originally purchased to house a new police station and parking lot, but with the regionalization, we no longer needed a Police Station. Around the same time we regionalized, we received notice that we had received a $1 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant allocation. We will be converting the property into an awesome oWowCow location in Spring of 2019. We are also creating a 40+ spot municipal parking lot which will partially be utilized for additional SEPTA parking. We feel that this project achieves revitalization goals we have had for some time (added parking, walk-able vibrant downtown businesses). The project is being funded through a combination of the RACP grant and Borough matching funds.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXsZ99pIISM&sns=em